Holiday homework assignment

DAV Public School, Kailash Hills
Holiday Homework (2017-18)
                                                                Class X (Biology)

Revise the chapter well and answer the following HOTS questions:                                                   

Q.1 How would it affect the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates in the intestine of man if there
       is a blockage in the pancreatic duct?                                            

Q.2 Tooth enamel is one of the hardest substance in our body. How does it undergo damage due to 
        eating chocolates and sweets?                                    

Q.3 Why does not the lungs collapse even after forceful expiration?              
Q.4 A certain tissue in a green plant somehow gets blocked and the leaves wilted. What was the tissue  
       that may have got blocked? Explain .                                                                                      
Q.5 If a person is working on a treadmill in a gymnasium, will it affect his rate of breathing. How? 
Q.6 How would non secretion of Hydrochloric acid in our stomach affect food digestion?                                                                                                        
Q.7 Why is the inner wall of alimentary canal not digested although the digestive enzymes can digest
       all the materials that make cells?                                 

Q.8 What will happen if a diaphragm of a person gets ruptured in an accident?  
Q.9 After a vigorous exercise you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does this happen?                                                                                      
Q.10 If we compare our rate of breathing (by feeling our chest movement) with the number of times a fish
         opens and closes its mouth, which will be higher and why?

Q.11 Atul has a pet fish which he keeps in a glass bowl. On a winter day, he notices that his fish starts
      opening and closing its mouth at a faster rate when he pours lukewarm water in the fish bowl. How
      would you explain his observation?  

Q.12 Why is it so that a pigeon has a constant body temperature while a frog cannot maintain its body
         temperature constant?                                            

Q.13 Why is the inner wall of alimentary canal not digested although the digestive enzymes can digest all
          the materials that make cells?                                  
